Are you interested in start your HYIP business. I would like to recommend AJ HYIP V3- the best php based hyip software.
HYIP makes it possible for businessmen to generate Capital and Reinvest the Money for Quick Profits.
The advanced new version AJ HYIP V3 has come up with major new features. The advent of new responsive design gives much user experience in all devices . The Administrator panel is completely redesigned and now it is easy to manage your HYIP Site. A complete hyip site ready to run in 24 hours !
The following major new features are included in AJ HYIP V3 & are listed below
* Mobile Version
* Multiple Investment Plans
* User Management
* User Groups
* Interest Calculation
* Referral Settings
* Payment Gateway Settings
* Withdraw settings with Limits
* Fund Transfer
* Bonus
* Penalty
* And More ...
Visit here for hyip software demo