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Is Longer Better

Unread postby » Waynefire » Fri, 29 June 2012, 2:46 pm | #1 of 4 |

I read recently where some people are ranking really high with the longer articles or information on their page. Is this a new trend we are seeing that can be held evident by the results or is this something which is more optimized content ranking higher then the short information people want to have.

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Re: Is Longer Better

Unread postby » Youlovejordan » Wed, 11 July 2012, 3:24 pm | #2 of 4 |

It may be true but not necessary. More information usually results in more traffic which in turn brings a higher ranking. So yes, it is possible.

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Re: Is Longer Better

Unread postby » JaimeLannister » Wed, 18 July 2012, 10:44 am | #3 of 4 |

I read a good number of blogs and update a number of my own too. In principle, the more content you have then the more keywords will be there and you will have a better chance of ranking higher. I guess it is all quality over quantity though really and I have seen a number of successful blogs that never go over 400-500 words a post. I think as long as you are writing for humans rather than the search engines you will be in a good place.

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Re: Is Longer Better

Unread postby » Laura » Thu, 19 July 2012, 10:15 am | #4 of 4  Reply

I would think that if you post two shorter articles instead of one big, you will have more traffic, but I might be wrong ;)

Well there is a limit of course posting ten words articles won't help ;)
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