Websites ranking on the first page of Google are using also these SEO rules. If they have made at least 6-7 of these 10 steps - for example, is not necessary updating the content as frequently as I said - these websites will be for a long time on the first pages!
I said these 10 steps as "must to do" because if somebody are respecting all of these steps, his website will be very soon in the first pages of the Google searches, and it will remain there!
I am not respecting all of these steps, for example I am not updating my content frequently - but my website is in the first pages for some of my keywords. I am satisfied with my results obtained in this way; if anybody want to respect this steps, it's ok - if not, it's also ok for me
I just shared here my experience and knowledge about SEO, for helping other people who maybe didn't know about these SEO rules - everybody is free to use or not these methods!